

Ciao! I'm Yu from the Philippines, an aspiring fanfic writer since 2021. I'm also a literature writer at our university, where I spread more doses of serotonin with my other schoolmates twice a month.I was born on September 18th with an MBTI result of INFJ and my pronouns are her/she, not the chocolate.Usually I have full-pack schedules where I study 20 hours per week, and when I'm not studying, I am performing my duty as a health team leader and probably spending time with my niece and babies (pets) or talking to my plants. I will never admit that if I'm not doing anything, I just stare at something or somewhere because I find it fun and it clears my messy mind.Also, the Villainess in my name is because every time I watch a series, movie, or anime, and even in stories, villains always catch my attention. Yes, I like Mahito and Kisaki. That's why I am aware I need help.After all, my dream is to be one of these: a psychiatrist, a neuropsychiatrist, or a forensic psychiatrist. A medical job that has something to do with the mind. Also, to own an orphanage or adopt many kids because I don't want to get married and bring another child into this world.Fact: I'm allergic to milk but I love milk tea, I believe in cetirizine supremacy.

Likes . .
Anything that is baked and has a tea on it.
Having enough sleep
Anime, music, food, cats, dogs, butterflies, books, knowledge, and you.

Dislikes . .
Floch, and Kiyomasa
Anything that is slimey and oily, the feeling of heat, small spaces, deep waters, crowded and noisy places, interacting with people I don't know personally, talking in front of people and them staring at me.
Dirty and dusty (allergic) places, brightness/light, people waking me up and disrespecting my time, and every time the signal get lost, etc...